The Ladder Lift is attached to the rungs of your ladder with the pully assembly on the top and the winch system at a comfortable operating level  near the bottom. A 5/16" steel cable is connected to the adjustable cup bar that has two or three 8" steel handle Wood's vacuum hand cups attached. These cups are applied to the window by pumping up each individual cup.
     The window is now easily lifted into position using the winch.The automatic breaking system of the winch holds the load at any level without flipping latches or levers. Simply rotate the handle clockwise to raise and counter clockwise to lower the load.
     You must make sure your ladder is has the capacity to handle the weight of your window adding 52 LBS for the lift itself. The two pad unit will lift 240 LBS while the three pad lift will handle 360 LBS.
A division of Western Glass Supply  
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